Wednesday, March 31, 2010
1) in lieu of our school's crappy egregious quotes on Mondays, done based on expedience's sake, i would be posting quotes onto this blog which hold much more meaning and depth. i'll try to post it as frequent as possible, depending on how much homework i have k?
" success is jumping from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm" Winston Churchill
2) i'd like to raise your awareness of the Heart2Heart campaign. This is organised by the St John Ambulance Brigade in conjunction with the Singapore Heart Foundation. Please support this event as there would most probably be a sale of the Heart2Heart package on the 29 May in NJC.
Go Nationalists of 10SH11,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
the list is with me so if you wanna order food (sandwiches/cookies), please write your name on the form by this Thurs and pay the money too.
We can order cookies as a class too. 1 dozen=$12.50
I only typed out amalgamation cause that's the one I was doing.
1. Describe the identified amalgamation
-specific details (what – name, etc; features; explain amalgamation process in detail; how it worked)
-give reasons for choice and type of amalgamation
-lessons learnt – how was amalgamation done?
-- describe features
-- show how they brought beneficial effects
--compare and contrast efforts
2. Identify impacts on those concerned (positive and negative)
-[specific] what successes were attained
-contrast if there had been NO amalgamation
-identify also the repercussions/side effects
-why still recommend the amalgamation despite the consequences
3. Suggest how lessons learnt can be used to develop strategies to deal with similar circumstances in the future
-choose similar circumstances [give reasons for choice; describe new amalgamation]
*show how they are similar
-how will the new amalgamation be done? [strategies, describe]
Explain process in detail, how parallels, and how it will work
Describe how this will be implemented
4. Lessons learnt
-describe transfer of features from example
-show how the process works
-compare and contrast before and after developments
*[primary sources: interviews, surveys] evaluate effectiveness/impacts
Positive [successes to be gained]
Negative [acknowledge the limitations, repercussions and how this might be addressed]
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Chem: 30th March (Tues)
Stoichiometry, Redox, VA, Electronic Structure, Gases, Physical Periodicity (fundamentals)
Econs: Week 3
Bio: 6th April (Tues)
10 MCQs, 1 SQ
Biological Molecules, Cell Structure, Plasma Membrane, Enzymes
GP: 12th April (Mon)
Maths: 15th April (Thurs)
Sequences and Series, Binomial Expansion, AP/GP, Mathematical Induction
correct me if im wrong. thanks.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Homework for the weekend:
1) Bio SPA. Finish questions by monday.
2) Chem SPA. Finish questions by monday too. NOT fake one. =P
3) First Draft of PI by Monday.
4) Chinese (those under Ms Liu Anna and possibly others) - Do the green booklet, finish the lessons on the mum beating the child. And try to chiong the rest so you dont have to do it next time.
5) Chem lecture test on Tues on Atoms, Molecules and Stoichiometry, Redox, VA, Electronic Structure, Gases and Physical Periodicity. Also NOT fake one.
So yeah, Term 2 has started, and not sure whether you people feel the same way, but I feel so dead. Like, everyday's coming home at 8+, chiong homework till 1+ am, drag my weary body to bed and wake up at 5am the same morning to go to school. I'm sure most of you feel stressed out about having to finish tutorials, SPAs and now, PW, and the new school system where you bring you bags around must have brought about backaches for many. It's tiring, exasperating and pushing us to our limits.
I think what Ms Sun briefly shared during GC is quite true. In JC, we really have to take care of ourselves physically and more importantly, mentally. Every second wasted on worrying and being sick could have been used on something much more productive. We never want to fall ill. Unequivocally, we all know how to take care of ourselves physically - healthy eating and exercise. How you take care of yourself mentally, though, is about finding the little things that get you through the day: whether it's the support of someone close to you, or letting yourself feel overwhelmed, only for a moment, or being selfless when the time comes. It's all about the little things, any things.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Here are the homework for this holidays:
1) Econs group project (do on the mahjong paper that was handed to your leaders)
2) Maths CA assessment, on the GC thing.
3) Chem holiday homework. The piece of paper Mrs Poon handed out during SPA with questions.
4) Bio esaay questions for the first tutorial set and finish up second set. We're definitely going to start on it soon. *UPDATED 16/3* Do finish up the MCQ worksheet on "Cell Structure and Functions".
5) Chinese homework for those under Ms Liu Anna (and maybe other teachers). Do the exercise on the chinatown lesson from the green cl book.
As term 1 draws to a close, I'm sure many of you are looking forward to enjoying your holidays and quickly chiong homework so you can slack for the rest of the holidays. But have you guys looked back and noticed that 2 months in NJ is already gone? Term 1 is over, and that means 1/8 of our JC life is gone. What have you done in this term that you'll carry on as happy memories into the future? What are the little mistakes that you think will haunt you? What is the attitude that you are going to take up when term 2 begins and we are thrown back into that pit of temptations?
JC life isn't easy, I'm sure most of you would have known by now. We have to balance our social and academic life - go on outings/parties, participate actively in CCAs, mix around with everyone and make new friends, reminisce the good times with our secondary school mates, chiong homework, mug for tests, consolidate everything and still get our As. But what I think is going to make this life different is our attitude. We can come to school everyday with the "wah seh everyone is so sian, this school is so stressful, everyday go home at 8+ and still must do hw and mug, i'm going to die already" mentality, begin the day with a black face and bring down the mood for everyone, or we can choose to make a difference by taking everyday as its own.
A new day, a new chance to own it.
Let go of yesterday's burdens, failures, worries and troubles. Take on today's hope, love, enthusiasm and happiness. Approach things that come your way with a smile and a "can-do" spirit. Believe me, you'll find that life is so much brighter. Happier. A hope that entwines itself around you and make you stand out. CCAs will be a breeze. An escape, not a burden. Homework will be fun. Classmates endowed with a smile will look your way. Tutors jump into class everyday exuding zeal because they feed on our energy. Exams are so much less daunting.
And at the end of the 2 years, you'll be saying, "It was worth it.".
"A living soul lives; that's why a dead spirit doesn't." Let's take term 2 with a positive mindset and show everyone that we're capable. We're competent. We're gifted.
We're 10SH11!!! =D
Sunday, March 7, 2010
1) Bio structured questions and essay questions. Those who have NOT handed in your bio practical booklet, do it asap.
2) Complete Bio pg 15 of lecture notes.
3) GP homework on summary. (the one the lecturer went through in our GP lecture)
4) GP - some of your tutors have passed to you a compre passage on Singlish. Complete the whole set, or at least up till where your tutor has instructed you to do.
5) Maths assignment questions for Sequences and Series. Complete the Tutorial questions for Binomial Expansions too, since Mr Khoo has completed the tutorial for SS.
6) Econs essay test on thurs, 11/03 on everything we've learnt till now.
7) Chem test on friday, 12/03, on Atoms, Moles and Stoichiometry, Redox reactions and Volumetric Analysis.
8) Mr Khoo said he'll give a maths test on SS soon. Not counted in overall grade.
That's about it. Tell me if I left anything out okay? (:
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Blog Authors' Board - 10SH11 <3