Tuesday, March 30, 2010

PW stuff. The one the PW teacher asked us to copy down.
I only typed out amalgamation cause that's the one I was doing.

1. Describe the identified amalgamation
-specific details (what – name, etc; features; explain amalgamation process in detail; how it worked)

-give reasons for choice and type of amalgamation

-lessons learnt – how was amalgamation done?

-- describe features

-- show how they brought beneficial effects

--compare and contrast efforts

2. Identify impacts on those concerned (positive and negative)

-[specific] what successes were attained

-contrast if there had been NO amalgamation

-identify also the repercussions/side effects

-why still recommend the amalgamation despite the consequences

3. Suggest how lessons learnt can be used to develop strategies to deal with similar circumstances in the future

-choose similar circumstances [give reasons for choice; describe new amalgamation]

*show how they are similar

-how will the new amalgamation be done? [strategies, describe]

Explain process in detail, how parallels, and how it will work

Describe how this will be implemented

4. Lessons learnt

-describe transfer of features from example

-show how the process works

-compare and contrast before and after developments

*[primary sources: interviews, surveys] evaluate effectiveness/impacts

Positive [successes to be gained]

Negative [acknowledge the limitations, repercussions and how this might be addressed]

Hope it's useful.

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